Domain Recovery
When your domain name expires, you will notice your website and email address no longer work. There are many reasons how and why your domain name has ended up being “dropped”, but for now, time is running out, let’s concentrate on getting it back for you.
Recover My Domain NameFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Domain Recovery
To put it simply, you are here because your domain name is going through a “drop process” which means it recently expired, or someone complained to your existing Registrar to have your domain deleted, or you may have forgotten to pay the renewal on time, or your existing Domain Registrar may not have bothered to inform you to renew your domain name. Although there may be many bidders trying to acquire your domain name, we will be using advanced Drop Catcher Services software and we believe we have the best chance at winning your domain name back for you. Our success rate at saving your domain name is currently more than 9 out of 10 times.
We use specialist third-party drop catcher services to professionally recover and catch domain names every day for our customers. We’re confident we can recover your domain name against other drop catching services, businesses, cybersquatters, trademark-infringers and your competitors from trying to register it when it becomes available on the public domain drop auction platforms.
The clock countdown in the top left of this website shows you how much time we have before the domain auction ends each day. If you don’t engage our services before the deadline, unfortunately we won’t be able to recover your domain and anyone who has a bid to buy your domain will become the new owner.
Once we are successful in saving your domain name and getting it back for you, we complete a COR (Change of Registrant) to ensure you regain rightful ownership over the domain again. Our systems then automatically ensure your email and website instantly start working again and you will have complete control and ownership of the domain within 12 hours. Please allow around 2 hours after the auction finishes for us to email you your new login details to manage your domain name.
The pricing to catch your dropping domain name is displayed to you in the email you were sent. You need to make your payment in full to us before we can perform the drop catcher services. We are successful in catching our clients domain names 9 times out of ten, but if for some reason we are not successful in acquiring your domain name then you will be given credit in your Drop Catcher Services account to purchase alternate domain names in the future.
Once we have made your minimum bid, the drop catcher services systems will send you an email if someone bid above you.
If someone outbids you for the domain name in the dying minutes, we may try to phone you in the dying minutes of the auction, so please include your best phone number when filling out our form.
New Domain Names
Registering a domain name for your business is the first step in building a website and having a professional email address. Be sure to choose a domain name relevant to your brand, as short as possible, and is easy to remember.
Register New Domain NameFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Domain Name Registration
A domain name is your unique web address where you can be found on the internet.
Like your mailing address, it’s your website’s dedicated location and the fastest way for a visitor to reach your site.
It’s not just a name, it’s your brand and online persona. In an increasingly online world, this is how people are going to find and remember you.
Imagine opening a brick and mortar store, how important is it to give your business/store a great name? Online, your website is the store, and your domain name is the name of your business. That’s why it’s so important to get the right name when you process your domain name registration.
An important thing to keep in mind when choosing a domain name is to think like the person who is going to visit your website. How are they going to find you?
One of the most common ways in which someone will find your site is using a search engine, such as Google. What might they type into that search box, and will your website show up?
Using words or phrases that are most commonly searched for regarding your future website with-in your domain name can provide a lot of benefits. Hopefully, you can craft the perfect domain name
Please contact our Sales team if you have any questions about registering a domain name.
Europe trusts the following domain TLDs (top level domain extensions):
- .eu
So you’ve chosen the perfect name, and you’re ready to buy your domain name. Your domain name represents you or your brand, which is why it is important to protect it by registering as many different extensions as possible.
For example, if you’ve registered the .eu extension of your domain name you might want to consider reserving the .com versions as well to secure your brand across multiple extensions.
The following individuals and entities will be permitted to register and hold and maintain the registration of a “.eu” domain name: